Tuesday 15 December 2015

This Curse of Alone

This weight is heavy.
This heart of mine.
The burden of lonely.
The wastage of time.

I need to run.
I need to hide.
Slow down my tears.
To a gentler tide.

But life is cruel.
More than not fair.
Need someone to love.
Need someone to care.

When will it end?
This curse of alone.
Find me a love.
Find me a home.

Monday 7 December 2015

Hurt Me if You Can

Some hurts don't go away.
They start bad, and they stay bad.
You don't learn to live with the pain. Ever.
You live with it because you have to...period.
Staying alive is the only thing that triumphs over some hurts.
So you live. Not through it but with it.
Every minute of every hour of every day.
The hurt is always there.
It becomes your comfort.
You hurt and you know you are alive.
You know you have beat the hurt.
You know you can live in spite of it.
You know you are better because of it.
You know hurt and you know you are stronger. Invincible.
So go ahead. Take your best shot.
Hurt me if you can.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

I once had a best friend

I once had a best friend,
who is now a stranger...
...maybe she always was.

Sad, so very sad.
But I suppose it's another of life's hard truths.
Nothing lasts forever.
People come and go...
...and some cause more hurt than they will ever know.

Saturday 1 November 2014


You have the life.
The life you always dreamed of, hoped for…
Loving family, beautiful home.
And, while the future is promised to no one,
what’s in your present seems to promise a bright future.

Then your “soul mate” decides it’s not enough.
They can do better on their own.
They turn their back on three decades.
Suddenly, you’re on the outside looking in…and you are alone.
And the life you dreamed of is, once again, just a dream.

But you are patient, and so you wait.
Wait for the day everyone will see the light,
everyone will see what has been lost,
everyone will want it all back, will want to rebuild.

But, as the months turn to years.
As the last piece of of your life’s foundation crumbles.
As your heart breaks yet again.
You are forced to face the cold facts.
That life is now gone. That future is now gone.
It will never be again, and everyone else has moved on.
You have been left behind. You are alone.

So you must decide…consciously. You must also move on.
There is nothing left to wait for.
There is no one left to wait with.
You are alone, in every way. And you must move on.
Find the strength to live again.
Find the strength to dream again.
Find the strength to move on…alone.

The future? It just doesn’t matter when you’re alone.

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